This director is a Master of Vengeance and he can do it in such a beautiful way... <3
The first Park Chan-Wook's movie I watched was Oldboy and I was stunned by the story, dialogues and beauty of dreadful things.
"Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone."
"Remember this: "be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same."
"Even though I'm no more than a monster - don't I, too, have the right to live?"
“The ants… Do you still see them? Do you still feel that way? Yeah, if you’re alone, you see ants. People I have met who are really lonely, have all hallucinated about ants. I tried once to work out why. Ants move around in groups, you know. So I suppose very lonely people keep thinking of ants.”
"I’ve been disappointed by radicals countless times throughout my life, but I was never disappointed by conservatives because I didn’t expect anything from them in the first place. Some of the former heroes of the protests I went to in college went on to political careers and didn’t always have the country’s best interests in mind. Looking back on those days, I feel disappointment and I question to myself what humanity really is. But when you observe history in the long term, you will realize that the radicals have been right. It is undeniable that their radical struggle is what led to the expansion of human rights today. I get disappointed by individual radicals, but I grow optimistic about the future of mankind through the overall flow of radicalism. I believe in its power. "
Park Chan-wook
Another movie I want to mention in this blog is Lady Vengeance, I want to mention, but I can't recommend cause it is too much, if you ask me. The story and the brutality of everyone and everything in this movies makes a person sick .
And the question " What would you do?" is something you would never won't to answer.
"Becoming mature as a human being also means you become more of a feminist."
Park Chan-Wook
On the set of The Handmaiden (2016)
And then I watched "Handmaiden" and I loved storytelling; well, I love everything in this movie but especially the way it is told. After finishing the movie I had a feeling that I had read a very good book (with some plot twists in it ) :)